Våre gjesters vurdering
Vurdering fra TripAdvisor
Her ser du våre egne gjesters vurderinger av hotellet.
8,8 av 10 Basert på 149 vurderinger
Total vurdering
8,8 / 10
9,4 / 10
Oppfylte forventningene
9,0 / 10
Mat og drikke
9,4 / 10
Rom / leilighet
8,4 / 10
9,5 / 10

Siste gjestevurderinger

7 av 10

Helt ok beliggenhet både i forhold til strand, butikker, restauranter.
Liten plass i leiligheten

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-16

10 av 10


Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-16

9 av 10

Avslappet stemning, utrolig god frokost, rengjøringen bra, veldig hyggelige og imøtekommende personale. Veldig bra at vi kan bruke bassenget på nabohotellet. Kort vei til stranda. Fint med et lite kjøkken på rommet, vi fikk lagd oss lunch hver dag.
Utifra beskrivelsen på forhånd, så var hotellet i fht forventningene.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-10-08

10 av 10

Utsikten, frokosten og Sofia!
Noe bedre stoler på terrassen, de var ikke gode! Liker ikke dusjforheng.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-24

8 av 10

Frokosten og Sofia!

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-24

8 av 10

Veldig hyggelig vertskap, behagelige og service-minded uten å være slitsomme ;-) God, avslappa stemning. Enkelt, men med alt nødvendig på plass. Reint og bra utstyrt, og sengetøy og madrasser virket reint og ganske nytt. Deilig med AC. Mye bra info-materiale om området i resepsjonen.
Det eneste jeg reagerte litt på var ‘vikaren’ til vaskepersonalet (ho hadde fri på onsdager). Vikaren, som bare kom for å hente søppel og tømme vanntanken til AC-anlegget, lagde mye støy for veldig lite; kom ganske tidlig på morgenen, banka hardt i dørene, var høylytt og kavete, så ho hørtes når ho var flere rom unna. Ho kunne godt tona det noe ned ;-)

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-17

10 av 10

Vertene for hotellet var helt fantastisk, gjorde alt de kunne for at vi skulle trives. Dette er et hotell Apollo må fortsette ha i sin katalog. Har aldri opplevd meg så velkommen før på andre hoteller hos Apollo. Renholdet var meget bra. Skal vi tilbake ønsker vi så klart samme hotell
Hotellet nådde alle mine forventninger. Dette gjelder ikke hotellet men tilgjengelighet til strand for de som har noen utfordringer. Bør opplyse at det er veldig kupert og ikke tilgjengelig for de med bevegelsesproblemer

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-10

10 av 10

De som drev det fikk en til å føle seg vel og ivaretatt.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-03

8 av 10

Vertskapet var fantastiske

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-08-27

9 av 10

Ekstremt god frokost, rene rom og hyggelige ansatte!
Noe problematisk dusj, enkel standard

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-08-06

En gjestevurdering baseres på den enkeltes innlegg hos TripAdvisor (om reiser og hotell). Den reisende kan ha reist på egen hånd eller med en annen arrangør. Apollo tar ikke ansvar for innhold eller vurderinger.


  • 4,5/5 Sted
  • 4/5 Sovekvalitet
  • 3,5/5 Rom
  • 4,5/5 Service
  • 4,5/5 Verdi
  • 4/5 Renslighet

88% anbefaler hotellet

53 vurderinger
Veldig bra
Mindre bra

Fem siste vurderinger


av Scouserkev

Great studios

Could not ask for better hosts. Lakis and his family were superb. The rooms were kept spotless tidied every day, bar snacks excellent. The only downside in our room was the shower. The cubicle was on small side and sliding doors stick. The shower itself was powerful. On the whole we couldn't complain. Thank you Lakis and family for wonderful stay.


av Nadine G

Lakis Studios - Such a lovely place

I'm sorry that Marjorie (review below) didn't enjoy Lakis Studios but I have to disagree with the comments. We arrived at Anaxos to find Lakis waiting for us to help us with our luggage to his studios. We had a walk-out room which was great. We don't go on holiday to cook but as long as we have a fridge for wine and beer that's great so we weren't bothered by cooking facilities but there were plenty of cups and glasses. We had storage room but let's face it, if it's not up to expectations, then you just improvise or take less luggage. The bathroom was clean and there was always an abundance of hot water. Towels and bedding were changed regularly and very discreetly too - it didn't matter what time we left our room, when we came back it was all done. Lakis himself, was the perfect host and nothing was too much trouble. His chips were great - proper chips not frozen! He was on hand whenever we needed to bring food and drinks. He was constantly on the go making sure that everyone was happy. We were pleased to meet his parents too - despite being in later years, they too did lots of jobs around the complex. His mother is a diamond and we had big hugs the night before we left. Our neighbouring guest, a really lovely lady, had some mobility issues but Lakis looked after her and even secured her a mobility scooter so she could whizz around the resort! He arranged taxis for us to Molivos too. Wifi was available by the pool bar and if you have to complain that you can't get a good signal in your room then perhaps forget going to a charming Greek resort and stick to Benidorm! All in all, if you want 5* facilities then you need to pay 5* prices! Lakis Studios are small, therefore you get a very personal service. It is near to lovely restaurants and unspoiled with very friendly locals. We definitely want to return. As for Lakis himself - what a guy!


av Courserugby Oldham, Storbritannia

Home from Home!

Came back to Lakis Studios at end of May/start of June having previously been in August. Had another fantastic visit with Lakis, once again, being a kind, caring and thoughtful host. He took several of the other guests to Petra on many occasions to visit the pharmacy and was his usual considerate self. We feel like part of the family and are welcomed with open arms by all members of the family. The food and drinks offered at the bar are good value for money and my wife continued to enjoy a range of cocktails. The accommodation itself remains typically greek with a variety of plates, glasses, mugs and cutlery. The furniture is basic as is the bathroom. If you want a five star experience this place is not for you. If you want a relaxing holiday with good company and a proper greek experience I would recommend you try this place. The number of repeat guests suggests this is gem of a place to visit.


av normida Stoke-on-Trent, Storbritannia

Superb Stay

Superb Stay We had such a lovely time here and met some very nice people. Lakis is a very kind and amiable person and anything we asked of him he obliged. We had a pool access apartment which was very comfortable and met our needs throughout our stay. It was very clean and bed linen was changed every other day. I can't believe the negative review posted on here recently:our experience was totally the opposite to what that person wrote. The area is stunning and we took the land train to Petra and Molyvos both of which are beautiful. We ate out in local restaurants and our favourites were Sarandos and Moutsos. We ate at The Women's Cooperative in Petra and our meal was divine and the views amazing. All in all we had a wonderful time at Lakis Studios and can't thank Lakis enough for a lovely stay at his apartments. We will certainly come back and meanwhile treasure our memories.


av Trudyjane01 Blackwood, Storbritannia

Can't wait to come back

My experience here was the complete opposite of the previous reviewer and the only reason I can think of for so many inaccuracies are that they want to keep this gem of accommodation a secret so they can come here on holiday whenever they want. Lakis was so friendly and was available from 8am until all guests were in there rooms. I have never been to a place where I was made to feel so comfortable , relaxed and where nothing was a problem. The resort as stated online is small but has everything that a holiday maker needs including several food/souvenir shops, restaurants and bistros both on the main road and seafront which serve lovely authentic food at a reasonable price not to mention that Lakis himself serves food and drink from breakfast to bedtime. The only thing I agree with is the shower needs upgrading and while there is little English TV (we are in Greece), there is plenty of storage in the room with a snall set of drawers, a shelved cupboard and a double wardrobe. The cooking area is small but has plenty of mugs and glasses with a modern kettle and a large fridge.