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9 av 10 Basert på 21 vurderinger
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9,0 / 10
9,3 / 10
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9,3 / 10
Mat og drikke
7,9 / 10
Rom / leilighet
8,3 / 10
9,1 / 10

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7 av 10


Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-23

9 av 10


Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-16

10 av 10

Til å være tre stjerner var dette veldig bra! Gode senger - spesielt gode senger til Hellas å være. Personalet som var opptatt av oss og var på tilbudssiden i alt. Renhold hver dag. En frokost som var enkel, men likevel et bra utvalg av brød, drikke og pålegg. Hygienisk og fint. Det beste jeg har sett av frokost i Hellas.
De nådde opp til mine forventninger på alle måter. Skal man sette fingeren på noe kunne jeg ønsket meg en vannkoker på rommet - eller mulighet for å låne en den uken man er der. Litt sølete med vann uten dusjvegger. Dette er PIRK, men jeg kunne ønsket en dusjvegg så man enklere kunne dusjet ungene uten at det er vann overalt ;-)

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-09

En gjestevurdering baseres på den enkeltes innlegg hos TripAdvisor (om reiser og hotell). Den reisende kan ha reist på egen hånd eller med en annen arrangør. Apollo tar ikke ansvar for innhold eller vurderinger.


  • 4/5 Sted
  • 3,5/5 Sovekvalitet
  • 3/5 Rom
  • 4/5 Service
  • 3,5/5 Verdi
  • 3,5/5 Renslighet

45% anbefaler hotellet

111 vurderinger
Veldig bra
Mindre bra

Fem siste vurderinger


av Per T København, Danmark


Besøgte Karpathos 2022 boede på Hotel Sophia. Kedelig morgenmad. ingen variation det samme kedelige hver dag, måtte købe noget selv i et minimarked. Fik ikke det værelse vi havde betalt for, klagede højliydt og fik det rigtige næste dag. Amopi området er kun for badegæster der er herlig strand. der et minimarked i centrum nemlig restaurant Calypso der er ikke andet i centrum, et per tervanaer og en bus holdeplads, som kører sjældent. Men noget positivt Rundt på øen Byen Olympas Kerpathos by som buede have valgt hotel i. Da der intet skete i vores område


av Matteo C Milano, Italia

Se si potessero dare 0 stelle le darei!!!

Appena arrivati in hotel ci hanno fatto alloggiare in una camera che presentava le seguenti condizioni: - canale di aerazione del bagno chiuso con un asciugamano; - specchio arrugginito; - maniglia della porta del bagno arrugginita; - aria condizionata indirizzata completamente sul letto motivo per cui siamo stati costretti a spostare il letto lontano dal muro e posizionare i cuscini ai piedi per non avere l’aria addosso; - la stessa aria condizionata una volta spenta faceva cadere tutta l’acqua della condensa sul pavimento di fianco alla presa della corrente (una mattina avevamo il cavo del caricatore dell’iPhone completamente bagnato - condizione molto pericolosa); - Doccia senza nessun tipo di tendina / cabina così che ad ogni doccia il bagno risultava essere completamente allagato; - Cuscini e lenzuola sporche di giallo; - Camera rovente in quanto esposta tutto il giorno al sole quindi l’aria condizionata era d’obbligo per cercare di dormire (tra l’altro a pagamento: 9€ al giorno). Dopo segnalazione alla nostra agenzia e al referente dell’assistenza in loco siamo stati spostati in un’altra camera che era leggermente meglio della precedente ma che presentava ancora diverse problematiche: - doccia senza nessun tipo di paratia e quindi tutte le volte che si fa la doccia il bagno si allaga; - Rubinetto della doccia che perdeva acqua; - Lenzuola sporche di giallo; - L’acqua calda della doccia che negli orari di punta non durava per due docce consecutive con la potenza del getto d’acqua intermittente; - Anche in questo caso aria condizionata direzionata verso il letto, il quale presentava una struttura che rendeva impossibile una sua movimentazione. A tutto ciò si aggiunge una colazione molto scarsa e non adeguata alla cifra pagata per il soggiorno, tant’è che abbiamo dovuto comprare il Nescafé per cercare di bere qualcosa al mattino. Inoltre, alla nostra richiesta di poter avere due cuscini in più c’è stato detto che non erano disponibili. Infine una delle due ragazze che gestisce l’hotel è veramente indisponente nei modi. Se siete abituati agli standard italiani non andateci. Questo hotel non merita neanche le 2 stelle


av Santtu K

Hotel in the beautiful amoopi area.

Hotel in the beautiful amoopi area. Location and the staff were very good. Hotel itself was quite small-scaled and little unpleasant for 1 week holiday. Breakfast was decent. Some toast, fruits, and baked goods but nothing changed. We really enjoyed the pool area which was suitable for kids as well.


av Dream15440605017 Kreta, Hellas

Nice family run hotel

Very nice family run hotel. Clean rooms and I nice pool with a shallow pet for kids. Breakfast could be better, but could also be worse. The rooms are ok in size, rather old but clean and with an ok bed. Children’s bed was good. I would recommend the hotel due to the fair price, nice people, placing and pool.


av gerhardberthold

Very nice and comfortable stay next to the beach

we stayed at hotel sophia for 7 days. The hotel is 5mins away to one of the most beautiful beaches on karpathos. the hotel has a very clean and big pool and a beautiful garden the owners are a family - you can litterally feel the difference to big hotel chains. there is a bar in the hotel that is open from 7-24:00 every day that serves cocktails, coffee and cold drinks. we had a tap for one week and had coffee twice every day (the coffee is really good: cappuchino, cappuchino freddo in the afternoon, or espresso freddo… the coffee card is huge!) and we almost every day had aperol or some kind of beer at the pool in the evening after dinner. beach: the beach next to the hotel is in 5mins walking distance. there are nice beachbeds - but be aware: if you want to have a place you have to get up early to reserve one „german style“ and you have to pay 12€ for (2 beachbeds) it at the beach cafe- but it was totally worth it- there was also a big beach umbrella at each beachbed! there is a cashier that comes by to collect the money for the beachbed throughout the day. then you can enjoy the most beautiful, bath tub warm tourquise water with sand beach! beach food: directly on the beach there is a cafe that serves really good coffee with a real barista: we had iced flat whites every day there. there are two restaurants basically on the beach where we had lunch every day: calypso and helios. pool: the hotel pool was big, clean and so refreshing especially in the evening to dip in before going to sleep to get a final cool down after a hot beach day! the pool was some footsteps away from the room. rooms: were nice and cleaned every day the bathroom is small and the shower will wet the whole bathroom- however we didnt care about that. the rooms have air condition wich needs to be pyed 6€ aday- but without it you will be like a chicken in the ofen. breakfast: I try to eat very healthy so it was a bit of ajustment. there is toast, ham cheese, eggs, butter, marmelade, greek yoghurt, müsli and some fruits and some cake everyday. what I wish was that there was more fruit selection/or different fruits everyday! there were for example delicious figs in the garden, but not a breakfast :) so one wish: more fruit at breakfast or more variation. the staff: so friendly-warm and a smile on their face all day - make you feel very welcome and happy. they make the deinks at the bar and the coffee with so much love that you can taste it :) thank you hotel sophia! also: we think that this can be a great place to come back with kids - there were some families with kids and the pool seems to be the perfect place to play for them all day with other children while the prents chill. thanks- we had a nice stay ps: try restaurant for seasons(not related to the big hotel chain) in the evening, it was the best during our stay in terms of vegetarian options. pps: since we needed a chill out holiday we didnt have a car- and difnt need one. everything you need is in walking distance.