Våre gjesters vurdering
Vurdering fra TripAdvisor
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7,6 av 10 Basert på 102 vurderinger
Total vurdering
7,6 / 10
7,1 / 10
Oppfylte forventningene
7,7 / 10
Rom / leilighet
7,7 / 10
6,7 / 10

Siste gjestevurderinger

8 av 10

Nydelig utsikt, kort vei til strand og greie leiligheter. Beliggenheten var strålende.
Du måtte låse døren fra innsiden, så måtte du ta ut nøkkelen og sette i en greie på veggen, så du fikk strøm. Dette var jo ikke brannforsvarlig. Når en annen reisende tok dette opp, fikk hun beskjed om at hotellet kun hadde få stjerner (!), så kunne ikke regne med slike fasiliteter. Så hotellet var ikke trygt ift brann. Noe å ta opp med dem kanskje?

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-15

9 av 10

Nært busstopp. Ikke så langt fra sentrum med buss. Fin utsikt og fine rom. Veldig bra air condition og det var lite innsekt og dyr der i og med at verandadør og vindu hadde «netting» man kunne bruke.
Sjekke hotellrom etter folk er dratt, om man drar litt senere enn man vanligvis har gjort. Så kan man rengjøre da. Vi dro kl 12-13 en dag og da hadde dem ikke rengjort.

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-15

9 av 10

Pent, rent og ryddig.
Bedre opplysninger om aircondition, at det er følere på dør og vindu. Kanskje lurt med såpedispenser ved utedusj, fordi det var veldig viktig å være ren i bassenget ble det opplyst.

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-15

6 av 10

Enkelt og grei. Så en vifte på bade hele tiden , lett egen kobling fra eier ..

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-08

5 av 10

Mangler pool bar og mulighet til enkelt måltid

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-08

8 av 10

Vennlige og service-innstilte folk på hotellet. Fantastisk utsikt! Lett tilgang til offentlig transport. Kort vei til stranden.
Har aldri vært på et hotell i utlandet med slike restriksjoner mht bruk av bassenget i hagen. Det var ikke lov å bruke bassenget før klokka 10.0 på formiddagen og det stengte klokken 14.00. Det gjorde at vi ikke fikk benyttet det i særlig grad og var redde for tilsnakk dersom vi "brøt reglene". Mye bråk fra hovedveien, men vi taklet det bra

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-06-01

8 av 10

Hotellet er jevnt bra for våre behov. Fint med busstopp ved hotellet.
Vi har vært her før. Hotellet var som forventet. Har ingen forslag til forbedringer.

Bekreftet gjest: 2024-05-25

7 av 10

Fine uteområder.
Hard seng, elendig pute, ingen oppvasksåpe (burde vært i hotellets interesse at oppvasken ble tatt skikkelig.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-30

6 av 10

Stille og rolig.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-30

8 av 10

Fin havutsikt fra balkong. Kort vei til strand og buss.
Veldig mye støy fra hovedvei forbi leilighetene.

Bekreftet gjest: 2023-09-30

En gjestevurdering baseres på den enkeltes innlegg hos TripAdvisor (om reiser og hotell). Den reisende kan ha reist på egen hånd eller med en annen arrangør. Apollo tar ikke ansvar for innhold eller vurderinger.


  • 4,5/5 Sted
  • 4,5/5 Sovekvalitet
  • 4,5/5 Rom
  • 4,5/5 Service
  • 4,5/5 Verdi
  • 4,5/5 Renslighet

100% anbefaler hotellet

62 vurderinger
Veldig bra
Mindre bra

Fem siste vurderinger


av Male4online Tromsø, Norge


Flott lite familiehotell. Lyst og moderne, rent og pent. Fantastisk havutsikt. Hyggelige mennesker. Betale for Internett og safe. Ingen måltider. Langt til butikk, restauranter og strand. Mye bakker. Lett tilgjengelig med buss.


av Gunnar G Halmstad, Sverige

Skiahtos i mitt hjärta.

De bästa stället jag har bott på god mat och trevlig personal. Bra med busshållplats nedanför hotellet. Fint väder för att ligga och sola vid polen och nära till taxi båten som tog oss in till staden.


av TheCharvilTwo Reading, Storbritannia

Spectacular views

After a difficult start to our holiday we were transfered to Anastasia Villa and how we wished we had been there from the start. The room was clean and well equipped, the balcony shady with spectacular views. The staff were welcoming and accomodating and kept the place spotlessly clean. The pool was of a good size with the same spectacular views. There are a number if excellent tavernas and a couple of beaches within walking distance but the bus stops right outside which makes it very convenient. The only issue is that the very steep drive might be an issue if you have mobility problems. Otherwise excellent.


av Leyla S Leeds, Storbritannia

A shoebox with a fine view!

We travelled as a family to Skiathos, for a 12 day holiday. The apartments are situated on a very steep hill, we were fine with this. The views were wonderful, overlooking the sea. However, if you have mobility issues this place should be avoided! We were in apartment 5, it was tiny!!! It was advertised as being suitable for 3 persons, it really wasn’t. We ended up being very cramped and my daughter had a bed that was hard as stone to sleep on. The air conditioning in this shoebox was totally inefficient, it took at least an hour to get going and cool the room down. The remote for it was only partially working, the screen display did not show the temperature, however this was replaced a couple of days later by the cleaner. The bathroom stunk of damp and drains – pretty grim! The kitchen was crawling with ants and was a total wreck – nothing worked! The toastie maker had lost it’s non-stick coating and was ready for the bin. Making toast was a nightmare as the smoke alarm was over-sensitive and it would go off every time I attempted breakfast. I stopped attempting toast in this so-called kitchen in the end and moved the toaster the dressing table – crazy hey?! There were hardly any utensils, crockery etc in the kitchen, ill equipped and dangerous with plugs hanging off the wall. The owner did attempt to fix them, but it just tripped all the electrics. We really were not happy by this point and regretted booking this place. It was easier just to stay out of the apartment, instead of battling with the set up. My next complaint is about the overzealous cleaner / housekeeper. It felt as though she was always there when I opened the door or peered over the balcony – I became sick of her asking me if she could constantly clean the tiny hellhole we were staying in! This is after I requested, we didn’t want it cleaning every day, I started to feel suffocated by her and we had to resort to hiding every time we saw her! When she did clean, I must say she was thorough but left the balcony doors open so the vicious mosquitos would enter and have a good feed off us in the evenings! The parasols round the pool were broken so some days we risked burning to a crisp and had to go to the beach, paying 15 euros for the privilege of a parasol! The beach closest to this place is charming – but down a very steep unmade track – again you’re risking life and limb if you have mobility issues! Troulos, a 5-10 minute walk from Anastasia has lovely places to eat, Casalingo was our favourite. Do be careful walking there as there are no paths, feels like you’re dicing with death just going for a pint of milk. Despite it being a beautiful island, we won’t be going back and I certainly wouldn’t recommend staying in this place to any families, it was truly horrendous!


av Meander67676350863 Leeds, Storbritannia

Amazing!! ❤️

Just returned back from a 10 day stay at the Anastasia Villas just up from Troulos… and what a holiday it’s been! There was literally nothing we could fault about our accomodation; it was modern, clean and although relatively basic it had absolutely everything we needed. When only paying £80 per day each, we had limited expectations, but were literally blown away by the location, views and the cleanliness of our apartment… Maria (who seems to work all hours God sends!) provided us not just with an immaculate room/pool etc but was also more than happy to steer us in the right direction of the best beaches, restaurants and supermarkets in the area! She literally never stopped working or smiling!! We were made to feel like visiting friends; Anastasia and her family were so welcoming (even bringing us a bottle of wine one evening!) we made the mistake of thinking Maria was their daughter (such was the family feel!)… she told us they ‘treat her like family’!! Having read previous reviews I was a little apprehensive about the hills/steps etc, having had two hip replacements within the last twelve months, but I managed it all… don’t get me wrong, the incline up the road from Troulos (approximately 5 mins) wasn’t for the faint hearted after an evening out but a walk down to either beaches was a breeze! The bus stop is literally at the bottom of the drive, that takes you all the way to Skiathos town for only 3 euros or up to Koukounaris beach for only 2 euros each! There are several lovely eateries just 5 minutes walk away; Salt and Pepper for a real mixologist cocktail is a must (only 7 euros a pop between 5 and 7.30) and the food is also amazing, all served up in an Ibiza vibe setting, and don’t miss out on Taverna Vareli… it would be easy to pass by but the food was so outstanding that I had to return to sample the Marinara spaghetti one more time!! The owners yet again (Greek husband/English wife) made us feel like we were long lost relatives!! Captain Nikos was a quirky night out, with another wonderful meal, as was Jasteri… and the takeaway pizza from Casalingo after a lazy evening was delish! We tried 3 or 4 different beaches but settled on Troulos as it was relatively quiet and Gyro Nimos at the top of the short walk down from the the main bus route was the perfect lunchtime pit stop!! Overall, our entire holiday was pretty much perfect… the location (if you don’t mind a 5 minute work-out!) the views (outstanding!) the beaches, the restaurants but most importantly the people will make this a holiday that you will never forget! Please disregard the negative reviews! We literally found nothing to complain about, I would recommend these apartments to every one of my friends… and the daily ‘workouts’ up the road from Troulos have done my hips the power of good!! 💪🤣❤️